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500+ Story Ideas Validated And Ready To use Templates!
100+ Story Content syllabus to impart the knowledge
Unlock Your Child's Potential
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Learn the exact techniques for writing skills through a published book. Transform storytellers into authors!


OUR Journey...

Creativity: The Foundation of Academic Success

Creativity: The Foundation of Academic Success

  • What everyone thinks: Creativity is an inborn gift
  • Definition: Ability in breaking complex problems into simple steps
  • Statement: Learn creativity for fun and apply it to enhance your daily life
Facts about Creativity
  • Basic Freedom: Open discussion, share ideas, thoughts, and imaginations.
  • Richest When Young: Best creativity is in young kids.
Research Insights
  • Research stats:
    • NASA: 98% of 4-5-year-olds are creative geniuses
    • Adobe Corp: 78% of people feel that being creative brings success in their career
    • World Economic Forum: Storytelling skill is one of the top 3 skills in any field
    • Power of Storytelling: Enhances students’ critical thinking, and learning motivation
Reasons for Decline
  • School System: Prefers traditional teaching methods over creativity
  • Parents: Wants kids to follow routines and excel academically
  • Children: Distracted minds, unclear concepts
Effects of Creativity
  • Problem Solving: Finding solutions to everyday problems
  • Emotional Health: Manage stress and anxiety
  • Independent Thinking: Better at handling challenges
Role of Parents, Teachers, and Pen Petals
  • Understand: Know why creativity is important
  • Encouragement: Let kids express themselves
  • Mistakes and Learning: Allow to make and learn from mistakes
  • Activities: Support storytelling, writing, drawing, sports (indoor/outdoor)
Call to Action
  • Parents: Create environments that encourage creativity
  • Teachers: Should find ways to explain the concepts easily
  • Pen Petals: Learn creativity for fun and apply it to enhance their’s daily life

Recent Published Books
10.778 x 8.5

At 13, Kuvira Reddy Had Turned Her Dream into Reality

My Garden Friend Cover Page -16.33 10.25

9-Year-Old Kriti Gangaraju’s Heartfelt Gift to Her Mother 


Kaushal Angara Transformed His Life and Reinvented Himself at 16

A Melody With No Lyrics - Paperback 58

At 12, Sanvi Boddu Embraced Her Passion and Followed Her Heart

Path to become an author

our Programs

Dear Parents

Unlock Your Child’s Potential
Can you recall how you looked like when you were a child?
Can you remember your favorite childhood activity?
Do you remember how you thought as a child?
Did you ever lose in a world of your own mind as a kid?
Can you remember the crazy ideas and colorful dreams that ran through your head?
How many countless flashes of imaginations ran in your mind, only to be lost with time?
How many precious gems of creative thoughts born in your mind when you were a kid?
As a parent we missed the bus, but you can give it to your kid. Unlock your child’s potential to think like an artist, entrepreneur, financial guru, and brilliant communicator with our program. We guide your child embrace the mindset of an AUTHOR – the ultimate expression of creativity, imagination, and happiness.
Our Story Repository
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